About Renjo Clips, LLC
Our Story
Seeing the need for a quicker, simpler and more cost-effective way to retain the insulation on the wall, Renjo Clips, LLC was created. These patented & patent pending wall assembly designs make retaining the exterior insulation quick and inexpensive.
Joe Foral, with over 40 years in the commercial exterior metal panel wall business and Rene Barerra, with over 15 years installing metal panels and over 30 years in building construction, got together to simplify the retention of exterior wall insulation. Over the last several years the energy code has been increasing the need to build more energy efficient buildings. Steel studs with insulation in the cavity posed a problem with thermal transfer in commercial construction. The need for exterior insulation outside the metal studs came into being to increase the thermal wall efficiency to meet the more demanding energy code.
Initially, for steel girts, we took the next step to improve composite fiberglass girt systems that retain insulation flush with the girt face. Now different depths of off-set (gap between the exterior façade and the insulation) can be created by using various sized clips. The off-set recess creates an air gap for back drainage and air flow ventilation that is required in some rain screen systems that are now being designed.
Several different clips in metal and polymers are available to improve the existing girt systems on the market today.
We welcome your questions and comments to improve or add to our product mix.